Publications by Ulrike Felt

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 Anthropocene Reads

Book Cover 'Exploring Science Commuincation' (2020)

Cover page Paper Re-Framing Environmental Communication

Article preview Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research 2016

All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt


Felt, U. (2015). Keeping Technologies Out: Sociotechnical imaginaries and the formation of Austria's technopolitical identity. In S. Jasanoff, & S-H. Kim (Eds.), Dreamscapes of Modernity: Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Fabrication of Power (pp. 103-125). Chicago University Press.

Felt, U. (2015). Sociotechnical imaginaries of "the internet", digital health information and the making of citizen-patients. In S. Hilgartner, C. Miller, & R. Hagendijk (Eds.), Science and Democracy: Making Knowledge and Making Power in the Biosciences and Beyond (pp. 176-197). Routledge.

Expert group on Foresight on Key Long-term Transformation of European systems: Research, Innovation and Higher Education (KT2050 (2015). The Knowledge Future: Intelligent policy choices for Europe 2050: Report by an Expert Group on Foresight on Key Long-term Transformations of European Systems: Research, Innovation and Higher Education. European Commission.


Ferenci, I. (Author), & Felt, U. (Interviewee). (2014). Von "Quantengespenstern" bis zu "Rosetta". Web publication, ORF ON Science.

Felt, U. (Interviewee). (2014). Tabus sind implizite Handlungsanleitungen. Web publication, ORF ON Science.

Felt, U. (Author), Barben, D. (Author), Irwin, A. (Author), Joly, P-B. (Author), Rip, A. (Author), Stirling, A. (Author), & Stöckelová, T. (Author). (2014). Science in society: caring for our future in turbulent times. Web publication, euroscientist.

Castree, N., Adams, W. M., Barry, J., Brockington, D., Büscher, B., Corbera, E., Demeritt, D., Duffy, R., Felt, U., Neves, K., Newell, P., Pellizzoni, L., Rigby, K., Robbins, P., Robin, L., Rose, D. B., Ross, A., Schlosberg, D., Sörlin, S., ... Wynne, B. (2014). Changing the intellectual climate. Nature Climate Change, 4(9), 763-768.

Felder, K. F., Felt, U., & Penkler, M. (2014). Lauter Einschluss, leiser Ausschluss. Gesundheitsförderung, Kollektive und moralische Ordnungen. Paper presented at Workshop des Arbeitskreises für 'Medizin und Theologie', Wien, Austria.

Penkler, M., Felder, K. F., & Felt, U. (2014). Obesity Treatment between Evidence Based Medicine and Ideals of Care. Paper presented at Annual Conference of the Society for Social Studies of Science - 4S/ESOCITE Joint Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Showing entries 101 - 120 out of 162