Publications by Christian Köberl

Featured Readings and List of Publications

 Anthropocene Reads

Bookhagen et al-2020-Article Resources Policy (preview)

Koeberl-2019-Article Science (preview)

Racki & Koeberl-2019-Article Meteorite Impact Theory (preview)

All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Christian Köberl



Holliday, V. T., Daulton, T. L., Bartlein, P. J., Boslough, M. B., Breslawski, R. P., Fisher, A. E., Jorgeson, I. A., Scott, A. C., Koeberl, C., Marlon, J. R., Severinghaus, J., Petaev, M. I., & Claeys, P. (2023). Comprehensive refutation of the Younger Dryas Impact Hypothesis (YDIH). Earth-Science Reviews, 247, [104502].

Viehmann, S., Krämer, D., Köberl, C., Hohl, S. V., & Van Kranendonk, M. (2023). Geochemical insights into one of the earliest marine habitats on Earth – the reliability of 3.5-billion-year-old jaspillites from the Dresser Fm., Australia. Paper presented at MinWien2023, Wien, Austria.

Reimold, W. U., Hauser, N., Oliveira, A. L., Maciel, A. R. P., Goderis, S., Pittarello, L., Wegner, W., Fischer-Goedde, M., Koeberl, C., Debaille, V., & Silva Maia de Souza, C. (2023). Genesis of the mafic impact melt rock in the northwest sector of the Vredefort Dome, South Africa. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 58(7), 907-944.

Thiemens, M. M., Shaheen, R., Gerritzen, C. T., Gyollai, I., Chong, K., Popp, F., Koeberl, C., Thiemens, M. H., & Moynier, F. (2023). Zinc, carbon, and oxygen isotopic variations associated with the Marinoan deglaciation. Mineralogy and Petrology, 117(2), 373-386.

Paar, G., Ortner, T., Tate, C., Deen, R. G., Abercrombie, P., Vona, M., Proton, J., Bechtold, A., Calef, F., Barnes, R., Koeberl, C., Herkenhoff, K., Hausrath, E. M., Traxler, C., Caballo, P., Annex, A. M., Gupta, S., Bell, J. F., & Maki, J. (2023). Three-Dimensional Data Preparation and Immersive Mission-Spanning Visualization and Analysis of Mars 2020 Mastcam-Z Stereo Image Sequences. Earth and Space Science, 10(3), [e2022EA002532].

de Graaff, S. J., Ross, C. H., Feignon, J-G., Kaskes, P., Gulick, S. P. S., Goderis, S., Dehais, T., Debaille, V., Ferriere, L., Koeberl, C., Mattielli, N., Stockli, D. F., & Claeys, P. (2023). The Chicxulub impact structure reveals the first in-situ Jurassic magmatic intrusions of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico. Lithos, 436-437, [106953].

Foerder, A., Englert, P., Koeberl, C., Bishop, J. L., & Gibson, E. K. (2023). A Gradient of Chemical Alteration in Don Juan Basin, Antarctica and Applications to Mars. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, United States.

Koeberl, C., & Baszo, A. (2023). A Planetary Defense Discussion on How much warning time the Dinosaurs had before the Chicxulub Impact Event. 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference (Vereinte Nationen), Wien, Austria.

Foerder, A., Englert, P., Koeberl, C., Bishop, J. L., & Gibson, E. K. (2023). Accounting for Salt Dilution in the Chemical Index of Alteration: Applications to Don Juan Basin, Antarctica, and Mars. 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, United States.

Ferrière, L., Alwmark, S., Baratoux, D., Cavosie, A. J., Consolmagno, G., Hauser, N., Kenkmann, T., Koeberl, C., Osinski, G. R., & Pickersgill, A. E. (2023). Current Efforts of the Impact Cratering Committee to Establish an Impact Structure List and Database. 86th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, LA, United States.

Dobson, M. J., Schulz, T., Koeberl, C., Campbell, K. A., Rowe, M. L., Van Kranendonk, M., Stopic, A., Havig, J., Teece, B. L., Guido, D., Westall, F., Foucher, F., Hamilton, T., Hamilton, A., Gerber, F., & Lang, J. (2023). Earth's oldest preserved extraterrestrial impact deposit? Evidence for a large impactor 3.48 million-years-ago (Dresser Formation, Pilbara Craton, Australia). 54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, The Woodlands, United States.

Salzmann, A., Schulz, T., Viehmann, S., Jodder, J., Hofmann, A., & Koeberl, C. (2023). Highly siderophile element and Re-Os isotope compositions of the 3.5 Ga Tomka Iron Formation, Daitari Greenstone Belt, India. Paper presented at MinWien2023, Wien, Austria.

Koeberl, C., Alwmark, S., Baratoux, D., Cavosie, A. J., Consolmagno, G., Ferriere, L., Hauser, N., Kenkmann, T., Osinski, G. R., & Pickersgill, A. E. (2023). How to Confirm a Terrestrial Impact Structure: A Discussion of Criteria from the Viewpoint of the Meteoritical Society Impact Cratering Committee. 86th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, LA, United States.

Koeberl, C. (2023). Impact Cratering: The Impact of Visualization on Science and Outreach. In A. Vendl, & M. R. Fröschl (Eds.), Doors to Hidden Worlds: The Power of Visualization in Science, Media, and Art (pp. 172-191). De Gruyter.

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 382