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Event poster for the lecture series Anthropocene 2024

Lecture Videos

Online Lecture Series "Welcome to the Anthropocene" 2024

In the summer term 2024, we hosted an interdisciplinary lecture series on the Anthropocene. With international speakers from the sciences, social sciences, and humanities who will examine the challenges and controversies of the Anthropocene from different perspectives.

The lecture series is a cooperation of VAN, the Department of Geology and the IGCP 732 project of the University of Vienna, together with the Forum Anthropozän.

The recordings of each session are now available via the Forum Anthropozän website.


USGS features a new study on palaeontological signatures of the Anthropocene, by a research team including VAN co-founder Michael Wagreich.


24-26 June 2024 - A Crossing the Boundaries of Science Conference, organised by Leopoldina and MPI Geoanthropology (Livestream available)


13-15 June 2024 - This year's Forum Anthropocene addresses the question how global change can also be an opportunity to consciously shape our future?


6 June 2024, 5 pm CEST - Event at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) with a keynote by Alice Vadrot on Science and Environmental Policy


Extreme heat waves are becoming more frequent due to anthropogenic climate change. Cities are especially vulnerable to warming and must respond now.


Die Anthropozän-Ringvorlesung machte am 24. April 2024 im kä Station. Michael Wagreich sprach zum Thema "Anthropozän"

Featured Videos

 "Sympoiesis as Natural Technicity: The Allegory of the Lichen"

Keynote by Bruce Clarke (Texas Tech University)

25 January 2024 - Presented at our workshop "Making Kin"

Hosted by the Vienna Anthropocene Network (FWF-Projekt „Landschaft, Leben, Form. Die Poetik des Anthropozäns“)

 "Making Kin with Microbes? The Microbiome in the Posthuman Novel (Elisabeth Klar's 'Es gibt uns')"

Talk by Nicole Sütterlin (Harvard University)

25 January 2024 - Presented at our workshop "Making Kin"

Hosted by the Vienna Anthropocene Network

 Records of Loss

Videofilm by Axel Braun

Created on behalf of the Vienna Anthropocene Network and shown at the panel discussion "Vanishing Ice" in January 2020.

The film traces the history of Austria's largest glacier, Pasterze, contraposing past and present images to record the loss of glacial landscapes over time.