Publications by Peter Schweitzer
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Anthropocene Reads
All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Schweitzer
Gartler, S., Scheer, J., Meyer, A., Abass, K., Bartsch, A., Doloisio, N., Falardeau, J., Hugelius, G., Irrgang, A., Ingimundarson, J. H., Jungsberg, L., Lantuit, H., Larsen, J. N., Lodi, R., Martin, V. S., Mercer, L., Nielsen, D., Overduin, P., Povoroznyuk, O., ... Ingeman-Nielsen, T. (2025). A transdisciplinary, comparative analysis reveals key risks from Arctic permafrost thaw. Communications Earth & Environment, 6, Article 21.
Budka, P., Schweitzer, P., Povoroznyuk, O., Schmid, K., & Grill, C. (2024). The future of transport infrastructures in the town of Churchill: Executive summary of scenario workshops.
Povoroznyuk, O., & Schweitzer, P. (2023). Ignoring environmental change? On fishing quotas and collapsing coastlines in Bykovskiy, Northern Sakha (Yakutiya). Ambio: a journal of the human environment, 52(7), 1211-1220.
Povoroznyuk, O., Warwick, V. F., Schweitzer, P., Laptander, R., Bennett, M., Calmels, F., Sergeev, D., Arp, C., Forbes, B. C., Roy-Léveillée , P., & Walker, D. A. (2023). Arctic Roads and Railways: Social and Environmental Consequences of Transport Infrastructure in the Circumpolar North. Arctic Science, 9(2), 297-330.
Schweitzer, P. (2023). Fallstudie: Der Konflikt um arktische Ressourcen. In K. Fischer, G. Hauck, & M. Boatcă (Eds.), In Handbuch Entwicklungsforschung Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Povoroznyuk, O., & Schweitzer, P. (2023). What Difference Does a Railroad Make? Transportation and Settlement in the BAM Region in Historical Perspective. In V. Davydov, J. Ferguson, & J. Ziker (Eds.), The Siberian World Routledge.
Sancho-Reinoso, A., Saxinger, G., Fink, C., Povoroznyuk, O., Wentzel, S. I., Illmeier, G., Schweitzer, P., Krasnoshtanova, N., & Kuklina, V. (2022). Mapping hierarchies of mobility in the Baikal Amur Mainline region: a quantitative account of needs and expectations relating to railroad usage. Polar Geography, 45(3), 157-176.
Schweitzer, P. (2022). Afterword: Inuit Worlds in a Global Arctic. In P. Stern (Ed.), The Inuit World (pp. 433-438). Routledge.
Schweitzer, P. (2022). Between Resource Frontier and Self-Determination: Colonial and Postcolonial Developments in the Arctic. In M. Finger, & G. Rekvig (Eds.), Global Arctic: An Introduction to the Multifaceted Dynamics of the Arctic. (pp. 351-367). Springer.
Schweitzer, P. (2022). Foreword. In O. Ulturgasheva, & B. Bodenhorn (Eds.), Risky Futures: Climate, Geopolitics and Local Realities in the Uncertain Circumpolar North (pp. 8-14). Berghahn Press.
Schweitzer, P., & Povoroznyuk, O. (2022). Infrastructural Legacies and Post-Soviet Transformations in Northern Sakha (Yakutiya), Russia. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 24(3), 297-308.
Schweitzer, P. (2022). Railroads and the North: Historic and Ethnographic Examples from Russia and North America. In D. Friedrich, M. Hirnsperger, & S. Bauer (Eds.), More than ‘Nature’: Research on Infrastructure and Settlements in the North. (Vol. 3). LIT Verlag.
Schweitzer, P. (2022). Review of “Lea Pfäffli, Arktisches Wissen. Schweizer Expeditionen und dänischer Kolonial-handel in Grönland (1908–1913). (Globalgeschichte, Bd. 32.) Frankfurt am Main, Campus 2021”. Historische Zeitschrift, 315(3), 814-815.
Timlin, U., Ingimundarson, J. H., Jungsberg, L., Kauppila, S., Larsen, J. N., Nordström, T., Scheer, J., Schweitzer, P., & Rautio, A. (2021). Living Conditions and Mental Wellness in a Changing Climate and Environment: Focus on Community Voices and Perceived Environmental and Adaptation Factors in Greenland. Heliyon, 7(4), Article e06862.
Larsen, J. N., Schweitzer, P., Abass, K., Doloisio, N., Gartler, S., Ingeman-Nielsen, T., Ingimundarson, J. H., Jungsberg, L., Meyer, A., Rautio, A., Scheer, J., Timlin, U., Vanderlinden, J.-P., & Vullierme, M. (2021). Thawing Permafrost in Arctic Coastal Communities: A Framework for Studying Risks from Climate Change. Sustainability, 13(5), 1-18. Article 2651.
Bartsch, A., Pointner, G., Nitze, I., Efimova, A., Jakober, D., Ley, S., Högström, E., Grosse, G., & Schweitzer, P. (2021). Expanding Infrastructure and Growing Anthropogenic Impacts along Arctic Coasts. Environmental Research Letters, 16(11), Article 115013.
Mühlfried, F., & Schweitzer, P. (2021). Kaukasus, Katholizismus und Kommunismus: Die verschlungenen Wege des Robert Bleichsteiner. In A. Gingrich , & P. Rohrbacher (Eds.), Völkerkunde zur NS-Zeit aus Wien (1938—1945): Institutionen, Biographien und Praktiken in Netzwerken (2 ed., pp. 667-686). Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW).
Mühlfried, F., & Schweitzer, P. (2021). Kaukasus und Kommunismus: Die Abenteuer des Robert Bleichsteiner. In A. Gingrich, & P. Rohrbacher (Eds.), Wiener Völkerkunde in der NS-Zeit Böhlau Verlag.
Schweitzer, P. (2021). Remote Connections: Human Entanglements with Built and Natural Environments in the Arctic and Elsewhere. In A. Gingrich (Ed.), Anthropology in Motion: Encounters with current trajectories of scholarship from Austria Sean Kingston Publishing.