Publications by Peter Schweitzer

Featured Readings and List of Publications

 Anthropocene Reads

Book Cover 'Anthropology in Motion' (2021)

Book Cover 'Arctic Sustainability, Key Methodologies and Knowledge Domains' (2020)

Schweitzer-Povoroznyuk-2019-Article Right to Remoteness (preview)

All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Peter Schweitzer


Povoroznyuk, O., Warwick, V. F., Schweitzer, P., Laptander, R., Bennett, M., Calmels, F., Sergeev, D., Arp, C., Forbes, B. C., Roy-Léveillée , P., & Walker, D. A. (2023). Arctic Roads and Railways: Social and Environmental Consequences of Transport Infrastructure in the Circumpolar North. Arctic Science, 9(2), 297-330.

Schweitzer, P. (2023). Fallstudie: Der Konflikt um arktische Ressourcen. In K. Fischer, G. Hauck, & M. Boatcă (Eds.), In Handbuch Entwicklungsforschung Springer VS, Wiesbaden.


Schweitzer, P. (2022). Afterword: Inuit Worlds in a Global Arctic. In P. Stern (Ed.), The Inuit World (pp. 433-438). Routledge.

Schweitzer, P. (2022). Between Resource Frontier and Self-Determination: Colonial and Postcolonial Developments in the Arctic. In M. Finger, & G. Rekvig (Eds.), Global Arctic: An Introduction to the Multifaceted Dynamics of the Arctic. (pp. 351-367). Springer.

Schweitzer, P. (2022). Foreword. In O. Ulturgasheva, & B. Bodenhorn (Eds.), Risky Futures: Climate, Geopolitics and Local Realities in the Uncertain Circumpolar North (pp. 8-14). Berghahn Press.

Schweitzer, P. (2022). Railroads and the North: Historic and Ethnographic Examples from Russia and North America. In D. Friedrich, M. Hirnsperger, & S. Bauer (Eds.), More than ‘Nature’: Research on Infrastructure and Settlements in the North. (Vol. 3). LIT Verlag.


Larsen, J. N., Schweitzer, P., Abass, K., Doloisio, N., Gartler, S., Ingeman-Nielsen, T., Ingimundarson, J. H., Jungsberg, L., Meyer, A., Rautio, A., Scheer, J., Timlin, U., Vanderlinden, J-P., & Vullierme, M. (2021). Thawing Permafrost in Arctic Coastal Communities: A Framework for Studying Risks from Climate Change. Sustainability, 13(5), 1-18. [2651].

Bartsch, A., Pointner, G., Nitze, I., Efimova, A., Jakober, D., Ley, S., Högström, E., Grosse, G., & Schweitzer, P. (2021). Expanding Infrastructure and Growing Anthropogenic Impacts along Arctic Coasts. Environmental Research Letters, 16(11), [115013].

Mühlfried, F., & Schweitzer, P. (2021). Kaukasus, Katholizismus und Kommunismus: Die verschlungenen Wege des Robert Bleichsteiner. In A. Gingrich , & P. Rohrbacher (Eds.), Völkerkunde zur NS-Zeit aus Wien (1938—1945): Institutionen, Biographien und Praktiken in Netzwerken (2 ed., pp. 667-686). Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften (ÖAW).

Mühlfried, F., & Schweitzer, P. (2021). Kaukasus und Kommunismus: Die Abenteuer des Robert Bleichsteiner. In A. Gingrich, & P. Rohrbacher (Eds.), Wiener Völkerkunde in der NS-Zeit Böhlau Verlag.

Schweitzer, P. (2021). Remote Connections: Human Entanglements with Built and Natural Environments in the Arctic and Elsewhere. In A. Gingrich (Ed.), Anthropology in Motion: Encounters with current trajectories of scholarship from Austria Sean Kingston Publishing.


Gartler, S., Kuklina, V., & Schweitzer, P. (2020). Culture and Sustainability. In A. Petrov, & J. Greybill (Eds.), Arctic Sustainability, Key Methodologies and Knowledge Domains: A Synthesis of Knowledge (pp. 43-63). Routledge.

Povoroznyuk, O., & Schweitzer, P. (2020). Epilog: Studenty na BAMe i Chto Budet posle CoRe. In O. Povoroznyuk, & I. Krylov (Eds.), Zhizn' BAMa (pp. 68-70). Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie.

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 59