Aerial view of an Austrian mountain region with marks and lines drawn over it

Long-term Landslide Monitoring


Principal Investigator: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Glade

Project Coordinator:
Margherita Johanna Stumvoll, MSc

Dr. Philipp Marr, MSc
Robert Kanta, BSc (Technician)

Cooperations with:
Dr. Joachim Schweigl (Geologischer Dienst des Landes Niederösterreich)
Dipl.Ing. Michael Bertagnoli (Geologischer Dienst des Landes Niederösterreich)

Dipl.Ing. Eduard Kotzmaier (Wildbach und Lawinenverbauung)

Ass.-Prof. Dr. Adrian Flores-Oroszco (TU Wien)
Dipl.Ing. Jakob Gallistl (TU Wien)
Dipl.Ing. Matthias Steiner (TU Wien)

Mag. Birgit Jochum (Geologische Bundeanstalt, GBA)
Mag. David Ottowitz (Geologische Bundeanstalt, GBA)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Höfle (University of Heidelberg, Germany)

NoeSLIDE is a long-term monitoring project analysing landslides in Lower Austria (AT). The project was initiated in 2014 by the ENGAGE working group (Geomorphological Systems and Risk Research) at the University of Vienna. It started out as a cooperation between researchers of the working group and the Federal Government of Lower Austria. Since then, further cooperations were established, including researchers from the TU Wien and the University of Heidelberg (Germany).

So far, monitoring has been done at various locations in Lower Austria of which two are currently still under investigation – Hofermühle and Gresten. The project analyses how landslide processes are influenced by external factors such as rainfall, and likewise aims to develop and employ new measuring methods for geomonitoring. These include terrestrial laser scanning as well as geoelectrical monitoring. Ultimately, NoeSLIDE is dedicated to minimising the serious risks and hazards posed by landslides. To do so, all collected data is visualised and made available via a web-based platform that will enable authorities to recognise threats and react to them more quickly to save lives and livelihoods.


 Additional Information

  • Publications

A list of articles and papers published in the course of this project can be found on the NoeSLIDE website.

  • Supervision

Students of all degree levels interested in natural hazards and empirical research are welcome to contact the team about participation in the project and thesis supervision.

  • LTER (Long-Term Ecosystem Research Network)

NoeSLIDE is member of LTER Austria, the Austrian Society for Long-Term Ecological Research.