Publications by Ulrike Felt

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Article preview Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research 2016

All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt


Felt, U. (2013). Within, Across and Beyond – Reconsidering the Role of Social Science and Humanities in Europe. In K. Mayer, T. König, & H. Nowotny (Eds.), Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities, Conference Report (Vilnius, Lithuania, 23.-24.09.2013) (pp. 53-63). Mykolas Romeris University Publishing.


Habermann, B., Felt, U., Vogl, C. R., Bekele, K., & Mekonnen, K. (2012). Encounters and places: project negotiations in Galessa, Ethiopia. Multicultural Education & Technology Journal, 6(4), 218-234.

Felt, U., & Fochler, M. (2012). Re-ordering Epistemic Living Spaces: On the Tacit Governance Effects of the Public Communication of Science. In S. Rödder, M. Franzen, & P. Weingart (Eds.), The Sciences´ Media Connection - Communication to the Public and its Repercussions (pp. 133-154). Springer.


Felt, U. (2011). Lauter Einschluss, leise Ausschlüsse - normative Visionen und gelebte Realitäten in der Forschung. In J. Dalhoff, & J. Girlich (Eds.), Conference Proceeding 'Fakten und Fassaden. Gleichstellungspolitiken und Geschlechterwissen in Wissenschaft und Forschung', 25-26.10.2010, Bonn, Deutschland (pp. 64-75).

Felt, U., Igelsböck, J., Schikowitz, A., & Völker, T. (2011). The Problem Multiple - Constructing 'the Research Problem' in Transdisciplinary Project Contexts. In B. Hofstätter, & G. Getzinger (Eds.), Conference Proceeding '10th Annual IAS-STS Conference: Critical Issues in Science and Technology Studies' Institute for advanced studies on science, technology and society (ias-sts).


Showing entries 141 - 160 out of 167