Publications by Ulrike Felt
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Anthropocene Reads
All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt
Felt, U., Igelsböck, J., Schikowitz, A., & Völker, T. (2016). Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research in Practice: Between imaginaries of collective experimentation and entrenched academic value orders. Science, Technology & Human Values, 41(4), 732-761.
Gluzman, Y., & Felt, U. (2016). Handbook for the Ages: Peeking into the forthcoming 4th Edition of the STS Handbook. Web publication
Fochler, M., Felt, U., & Müller, R. (2016). Unsustainable growth, hyper-competition, and worth in life science research: Narrowing evaluative repertoires in doctoral and postdoctoral scientists’ work and lives. Minerva, 54(2), 175-200.
Felt, U., & Gurel, A. (2016). Talking Transdisciplinarity with Ulrike Felt: New Research in Science, Technology & Human Values. Web publication
Scholz, N., & Felt, U. (2016). Ö1 Radiokolleg "Das Arbeitsklima in der Forschung" (22-25.2.2016). Radio show
Felder, K. F., Felt, U., & Penkler, M. (2016). Caring for Evidence: Research and Care in an Obesity Outpatient Clinic. Medical Anthropology, 35(5), 404-418.
Felt, U. (2016). The temporal choreographies of participation: Thinking innovation and society from a time-sensitive perspective. In J. Chilvers, & M. Kearnes (Eds.), Remaking Participation: Science, Environment and Emergent Publics (pp. 178-198). Routledge.
Felt, U. (2015). ERA Policy Brief: "Research Integrity". Web publication
Felt, U., & Fochler, M. (2015). A Very Brief Story of the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Vienna University. EASST Review, 34(4), 29-34.
Felt, U., Felder, K. F., & Penkler, M. (2015). Investigating Obesity as a Complex Socio-Medical Phenomenon. EASST Review, 34(4), 35-37.
Malle, T., & Felt, U. (2015). Ö1 Dimensionen - Die Welt der Wissenschaft: Prekäre Profession. Arbeitsbedingungen an den österreichischen Hochschulen. Radio show
Herzog, S., & Felt, U. (2015). Typisch Uni-Wien-AbsolventIn? univie - Alumni Magazin der Universität Wien.
Felt, U., & Gehörgänge, V. (2015). Prekärparcours: Audiospaziergänge durch die Uni Wien. Multimedia output
Rosenberger, R., & Felt, U. (2015). Ö1 'Von Tag zu Tag': Sozialwissenschaft und die Veränderung der Gesellschaft. Radio show, ORF Ö1.
Felt, U. (2015). Innovation, Knowledge Ecologies and Academic Timescapes. In Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development (Ed.), Designing the Future. Economic, Societal and Political Dimensions of Innovation (pp. 118-136). echomedia buchverlag.
Felt, U. (2015). Innovationen, Wissensökologien und akademische Zeitlandschaften. In Rat für Forschung und Technologieentwicklung (Ed.), Die Gestaltung der Zukunft. Wirtschaftliche, gesellschaftliche und politische Dimensionen von Innovation (pp. 130-150). echomedia buchverlag.
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