Publications by Ulrike Felt

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 Anthropocene Reads

Book Cover 'Exploring Science Commuincation' (2020)

Cover page Paper Re-Framing Environmental Communication

Article preview Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research 2016

All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt



Felt, U. (2024). Rethinking individual and community engagement with genomics in a digital world. In D. Kumar, & R. Chadwick (Eds.), Genomics, Populations, and Society (pp. 209-226). Elsevier.

Felt, U., & Irwin, A. (Eds.) (2024). Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies. Edgar Elgar.

Felt, U., & Irwin, A. (2024). Introduction: On encyclopedias, maps and miltiplicities in science and technology studies. In U. Felt, & A. Irwin (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies (pp. 1-11). Edgar Elgar.

Felt, U. (2024). Time and temporalities in academic research. In U. Felt, & A. Irwin (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Science and Technology Studies (pp. 318-327). Edgar Elgar.



Felt, U., & Forthuber, X. (2022). Was vom Fortschritt übrig bleibt. Radio show, ORF Radio Oe1.

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