Publications by Ulrich Brand

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All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ulrich Brand


Brand, U. (2015). Growth and Domination: Ambiguities of the (De-)growth Debate. Paper presented at Konferenz “The theory of regulation in times of crisis", Paris, United Kingdom.

Brand, U. (2015). Strategies of a Green Economy, Contours of Green Capitalism: A Regulationist perspective.. Paper presented at Konferenz “The theory of regulation in times of crisis", Paris, United Kingdom.

Brand, U. (2015). Social-Ecological Transformation as Progressive Horizon?. Paper presented at IS4IS Summit Vienna 2015, Wien, Austria.

Brand, U., & Bieling, H.-J. (2015). Competitiveness or Emancipation? Rethinking Regulation and (Counter-)Hegemony in Times of Capitalist Crisis. In R. Westra, D. Badeen, & R. Albritton (Eds.), The Future of Capitalism After the Financial Crisis: The Varieties of Capitalism Debate in the Age of Austerity (pp. 184-204).

Brand, U. (2015). Den Staat analysieren, um ihn zu verändern. In J. Alke, & S. Pimmer (Eds.), Der Staat in Lateinamerika: Kolonialität, Gewalt, Transformation (pp. 7-10). Verlag Westfaelisches Dampfboot.

Brand, U. (2015). Die Illusion vom sauberen Wachstum. In Atlas der Globalisierung: Weniger wird mehr (pp. 52-53). taz, die tageszeitung. Verlagsgenossenschaft eG .

Brand, U., & Lang, M. (2015). Dimensiones de la transformación social y el rol de las instituciones. In M. Lang, B. Cevallos, & C. López (Eds.), Cómo transformar?: Instituciones y cambio social en América Latina y Europa (pp. 7-32). Abya Yala.

Brand, U., & Lang, M. (2015). Green Economy. In P. Pattberg, & F. Zelli (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Politics and Governance (pp. 461-469). Edward Elgar.

Brand, U. (2015). Naomi Klein – die internationale politische Aktivistin. In Jahrbuch Ökologie 2016: Gesucht: Weltumweltpolitik (pp. 212-213). S. Hirzel Verlag.

Brand, U. (2015). Poulantzas und Gramsci in Lateinamerika: (Semi-)Periphere Staatlichkeit aus neo-marxistischer Perspektive. In H. Wienold, I. Lenz, & G. Hauck (Eds.), Entwicklung, Gewalt, Gedächtnis (pp. 85-105). Verlag Westfaelisches Dampfboot.