Publications by Thomas Glade

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All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Glade


Petschko, H., Bell, R., Leopold, P., Heiss, G., & Glade, T. (2013). Landslide inventories for reliable susceptibility maps. In C. Margottini, P. Canuti, & K. Sassa (Eds.), Landslide Science and Practice: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning (Vol. 1, pp. 281-286). Springer - Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York.

Kappes, M., & Glade, T. (2013). Landslides in a Multi-Hazard context. In Landslide Science and Practice: Social and Economic Impact and Policies (Vol. 7, pp. 83-90). Springer-Verlag Berlin.

Petschko, H., Bell, R., Glade, T., Goetz, J. N., Granica, K., Heiss, G., Leopold, P., Pomaroli, G., Bauer, C., Proske, H., & Schweigl, J. (2013). Methods for landslide susceptibility assessment - concepts and applications for spatial planning in Lower Austria. In 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology Abstracts

Petschko, H., Bell, R., Glade, T., Goetz, J. N., Heiss, G., & Leopold, P. (2013). MoNOE - Modellierung der Rutschprozesse. In NÖ Geotage "Geogene Gefahren und Raumordnung": Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Vol. 100, pp. 77-86)

Glade, T., & Pohl, J. (2013). Naturgefahren und Naturrisiken. UTB. UTB M (Medium-Format) Vol. 3310

Crozier, M. J., Preston, N., & Glade, T. (2013). Piping Hazard. In B. Peter T. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards (pp. 764-765). Springer. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series

Greiving, S., & Glade, T. (2013). Risk Governance. In P. T. Bobrowsky (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards (pp. 863-870). Springer. Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series

Leopold, P., Heiss, G., Petschko, H., Bell, R., & Glade, T. (2013). Susceptibility maps for landslides using different modelling approaches. In C. Margottini, P. Canuti, & K. Sassa (Eds.), Landslide Science and Practice: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning (Vol. 1, pp. 353-357). Springer - Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York.

Papathoma-Köhle, M., & Glade, T. (2013). The role of vegetation cover change for landslide hazard and risk. In F. G. Renaud, K. Sudmeier-Rieux, & M. Estrella (Eds.), The Role of Ecosystems in Disaster Risk Reduction (pp. 293-320). UNU-Press.

Glade, T., Crozier, M. J., & Preston, N. (2013). Time and Space in Disaster. In Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards (pp. 1009-1015). Springer-Verlag Dordrecht.

Pöppl, R., Keiler, M., von Elverfeldt, K., Zweimüller, I., & Glade, T. (2013). Untersuchungen zur diffusen lateralen Sediment-Konnektivität in einem kleinen, ackerbaulich genutzten Einzugsgebiet der Österreichischen Böhmischen Masse. In P. Chifflard, B. Cyffka, D. Karthe, & K-F. Wetzel (Eds.), Beiträge zum 44. Jahrestreffen des Arbeitskreises Hydrologie vom 15.-17. November 2012 in Lunz am See (Vol. 13, pp. 131-133). Geographica Augustana. Manuskripte Vol. 13


Papathoma-Köhle, M., Totschnig, R., Keiler, M., & Glade, T. (2012). A new vulnerability function for debris flow - The importance of physical vulnerability assessment in alpine areas. In 12th Congress INTERPRAEVENT 2012- Grenoble, France, Conference proceedings (pp. 1033 - 1043). Unknown publisher.

Jäger, S., Thiebes, B., Bell, R., & Glade, T. (2012). Applying geospatial web standards for real-time on-line slope stability modeling as a basis for a landslide early warning system. In E. Eberhardt, C. Froese, K. Turner, & S. Leroueil (Eds.), andslides and Engineered Slopes - Protecting Society through improved Understanding: Proceedings of the 11th International Landslide Symposium, Banff, Canada, 02.-08. June Routledge.

Bai, S-B., Thiebes, B., Bell, R., & Glade, T. (2012). Comparison of landslide triggering thresholds before and after the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake – a case study in Wudu, China. In Proceedings of the 11th International Landslide Symposium, Banff, Canada, 02.-08. June