Publications by Thomas Glade
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Anthropocene Reads
All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Glade
Marr, P., Stumvoll, M. J., Kanta, R., Jimenez Donato, Y. A., & Glade, T. (2022). Insights from a long-term monitoring system of a slow-moving landslide at Hofermühle, Lower Austria..
Lima, P., Steger, S., Glade, T., & Murillo-García, F. G. (2022). Literature review and bibliometric analysis on data-driven assessment of landslide susceptibility. Journal of Mountain Science, 19(6), 1670-1698.
Arango Carmona, M. I., Muniz Lima, P. H., Mergili, M., & Glade, T. (2022). Mobility and hazard analysis of selected landslides in Lower Austria. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria.
Wang, X., Glade, T., Liu, X., & Wang, M. (2022). Surveillance audio-based rainfall observation: a crowdsourcing approach. Paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria.
Lima, P., Steger, S., & Glade, T. (2021). Counteracting flawed landslide data in statistically based landslide susceptibility modelling for very large areas: a national-scale assessment for Austria. Landslides, 18(11), 3531–3546.
Lin, Q., Muniz Lima, P. H., Steger, S., Glade, T., Jiang, T., Zhang, J., Liu, T., & Wang, Y. (2021). National-scale data-driven rainfall induced landslide susceptibility mapping for China by accounting for incomplete landslide data. Geoscience Frontiers, 12(6), [101248].
Stumvoll, M. J., Schmaltz, E., & Glade, T. (2021). Dynamic characterization of a slow-moving landslide system – Assessing the challenges of small process scales utilizing multi-temporal TLS data. Geomorphology, 389, [107803].
Haselberger, S., Ohler, LM., Junker, R. R., Otto, JC., Glade, T., & Kraushaar, S. (2021). Quantification of biogeomorphic interactions between small‐scale sediment transport and primary vegetation succession on proglacial slopes of the Gepatschferner, Austria. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 46(10), 1941-1952.
Marlovits, N., Mergili, M., & Glade, T. (2021). Challenges in the predictive simulation of cascading landslide processes. EGU, General Assembly 2021, Wien, Austria.
Tufano, R., De Vita, P., & Glade, T. (2021). Comparison of techniques for estimating soil drainage for the assessment of empirical rainfall thresholds - a case study of ash-fall pyroclastic soil mantled slopes of southern Italy.. Paper presented at 14th Congress Interpraevent 2020, Bergen , Norway.
Roser, N., Steiner, M., Stumvoll, M., Katona, T., Glade, T., & Flores Orozco, A. (2021). Imaging Hydrogeological and Mechanical Parameters in Landslides Through Geophysical Data Fusion: The Hofermühle Site. 1-5.
Haselberger, S., Ohler, L. M., Otto, J-C., Junker, R., Glade, T., & Kraushaar, S. (2021). Quantification of biogeomorphic interactions between small-scale sediment transport and primary vegetation succession on proglacial slopes of the Gepatschferner, Austria. EGU, General Assembly 2021, Wien, Austria.
Jiang, H., Li, Y., Zhou, C., Hong, H., Glade, T., & Yin, K. (2020). Landslide Displacement Prediction Combining LSTM and SVR Algorithms: A Case Study of Shengjibao Landslide from the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. Applied Sciences, 10(21), [7830].
Glade, T. (2020). Neuseeland – ist „Green and Clean“ ein Mythos? Geographische Rundschau (GR), (10/2020), 28 - 31.
Du, J., Yin, K., Glade, T., Woldai, T., Chai, B., Xiao, L., & Wang, Y. (2020). Probabilistic hazard analysis of impulse waves generated by multiple subaerial landslides and its application to Wu Gorge in Three Gorges Reservoir, China. Engineering Geology, 276, [105773].
Lin, Q., Wang, Y., Glade, T., Zhang, J., & Zhang, Y. (2020). Assessing the spatiotemporal impact of climate change on event rainfall characteristics influencing landslide occurrences based on multiple GCM projections in China. Climatic Change: an interdisciplinary, international journal devoted to the description, causes and implications of climatic change, 162(2), 761–779.
Du, J., Glade, T., Woldai, T., Chai, B., & Zeng, B. (2020). Landslide susceptibility assessment based on an incomplete landslide inventory in the Jilong Valley, Tibet, Chinese Himalayas. Engineering Geology, 270, [105572].
Preh, A., Glade, T., Kociu, A., Fleris, E., Illeditsch, M., Mergili, M., Marlovits, N., Schweigl, J., & Bertagnoli, M. (2020). NoeTALUS - Methods for producing rock fall hazard maps of different scales in Lower Austria. EGU General Assembly 2020, Wien, Austria.
Gallina, V., Torresan, S., Zabeo, A., Critto, A., Glade, T., & Marcomini, A. (2020). A Multi-Risk Methodology for the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts in Coastal Zones. Sustainability, 12(9), [3697].
Stumvoll, M. J., Canli, E., Engels, A., Thiebes, B., Groiss, B., Glade, T., Schweigl, J., & Bertagnoli, M. (2020). The “Salcher” landslide observatory—experimental long-term monitoring in the Flysch Zone of Lower Austria. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 79(4), 1831-1848.