Publications by Thomas Glade
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Anthropocene Reads
All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Glade
Steger, S., Bell, R., Petschko, H., & Glade, T. (2013). Exploratory data analysis as an alternative to automated variable selection in statistical susceptibility modeling. A case study for the Flysch Zone (Lower Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 15.
Bell, R., & Glade, T. (2013). Gefährdung durch gravitative Massenbewegungen. In H. Gebhardt, R. Glaser, & S. Lenz (Eds.), Europa - eine Geographie (pp. 47-49). Springer.
Bell, R., Petschko, H., & Glade, T. (2013). Gefährdungsmodellierung bei gravitativen Massenbewegungen. In NÖ Geotage "Geogene Gefahren und Raumordnung": Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Vol. 100, pp. 54-60).
Iovine, G., Aubrecht, C., Glade, T., Hübl, J., & Pastor, M. (Eds.) (2013). GEORISK: Assessment and management of risk for engineered systems and geohazards. Taylor & Francis.
Glade, T., & Dix, A. (2013). Humanity as Agent of Natural Hazards. In Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards (pp. 478-481). Springer-Verlag Dordrecht.
Glade, T., & Dix, A. (2013). Humanity as an agent of natural disasters. In B. Peter T. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards (pp. 478-481). Springer.
Pöppl, R., Keesstra, S., Keiler, M., Coulthard, T., & Glade, T. (2013). Impact of dams, dam removal and dam-related river engineering structures on sediment connectivity and channel morphology of the Fugnitz and the Kaja Rivers. In S. Nationalparkfonds (Ed.), Conference volume: 5th Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 10 to 12 June 2013, Mitersill (pp. 607-614).
Zentel, K.-O., & Glade, T. (2013). International strategies for disaster reduction (IDNDR and ISDR). In P. T. Bobrowsky (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards (pp. 552-563). Springer.
Glade, T., Petschko, H., Bell, R., Leopold, P., & Proske, H. (2013). Karten zu gravitativen Massenbewegungen: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen ihrer Aussagekraft. Raumdialog - Magazin für Raumplanung und Regionalentwicklung in Niederösterreich, (2/2013), 10-13.
Malek, Z., Schröter, D., & Glade, T. (2013). Land use/ cover changes in European mountain areas: global driving forces and local destinies. 21. Hochgebirge im Globalen Wandel, Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge, 22. Jahrestagung, Bonn, Germany.
Crozier, M. J., Preston, N., & Glade, T. (2013). Landslide Impacts. In P. T. Bobrowsky (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards (pp. 606-610). Springer.
Petschko, H., Bell, R., Leopold, P., Heiss, G., & Glade, T. (2013). Landslide inventories for reliable susceptibility maps. In C. Margottini, P. Canuti, & K. Sassa (Eds.), Landslide Science and Practice: Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning (Vol. 1, pp. 281-286). Springer - Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York.
Kappes, M., & Glade, T. (2013). Landslides in a Multi-Hazard context. In Landslide Science and Practice: Social and Economic Impact and Policies (Vol. 7, pp. 83-90). Springer-Verlag Berlin.
Petschko, H., Bell, R., Glade, T., Goetz, J. N., Granica, K., Heiss, G., Leopold, P., Pomaroli, G., Bauer, C., Proske, H., & Schweigl, J. (2013). Methods for landslide susceptibility assessment - concepts and applications for spatial planning in Lower Austria. In 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology Abstracts
Glade, T., Petschko, H., Bell, R., Leopold, P., & Proske, H. (2013). “MoNOE” - Das Projekt: Gefahrenhinweiskarten für gravitative Massenbewegungen in NÖ. Raumdialog - Magazin für Raumplanung und Regionalentwicklung in Niederösterreich, (2/2013), 14-17.
Petschko, H., Bell, R., Glade, T., Goetz, J. N., Heiss, G., & Leopold, P. (2013). MoNOE - Modellierung der Rutschprozesse. In NÖ Geotage "Geogene Gefahren und Raumordnung": Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Vol. 100, pp. 77-86)
Glade, T., & Pöppl, R. (2013). Naturgefahren- und Risikoforschung im Alpenraum – eine Einführung. Geographie und Schule, (204), 4-11.
Crozier, M. J., Preston, N., & Glade, T. (2013). Piping Hazard. In B. Peter T. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards (pp. 764-765). Springer.
Greiving, S., & Glade, T. (2013). Risk Governance. In P. T. Bobrowsky (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards (pp. 863-870). Springer.
Showing entries 181 - 200 out of 272