Publications by Thilo Hofmann
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Anthropocene Reads
All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thilo Hofmann
Lintner, M., Henkel, C., Peng, R., Heinz, P., Stockhausen, M., Hofmann, T., Hüffer, T., & Keul, N. (2025). Tire-derived compounds, phthalates, and trace metals in the Kiel Fjord (Germany). Marine Pollution Bulletin, 212, Article 117581.
Obanya, H. E., Khan, F. R., Carrasco-Navarro, V., Rødland, E. S., Walker-Franklin, I., Thomas, J., Cooper, A., Molden, N., Amaeze, N. H., Patil, R. S., Kukkola, A., Michie, L., Green-Ojo, B., Rauert, C., Couceiro, F., Hutchison, G. R., Tang, J., Ugor, J., Lee, S., ... Ford, A. T. (2024). Priorities to inform research on tire particles and their chemical leachates: A collective perspective. Environmental Research, 263, Article 120222.
Saeidi, N., Lotteraner, L., Sigmund, G., Hofmann, T., Krauss, M., Mackenzie, K., & Georgi, A. (2025). Towards a better understanding of sorption of persistent and mobile contaminants to activated carbon: Applying data analysis techniques with experimental datasets of limited size. Water Research, 274, Article 123032. Advance online publication.
Gruseck, R. J., Palatinszky, M., Wagner, M., Hofmann, T., & Zumstein, M. (2024). Quantification of Guanidine in Environmental Samples using Benzoin Derivatization and LC-MS Analysis. MethodsX, 13, Article 102972.
Protsak, I., Stockhausen, M., Brewer, A., Owton, M., Hofmann, T., & Kleitz, F. (2024). Enhanced selective extraction of indium and gallium using mesoporous sorbents. Chemical engineering journal, 498, Article 154468.
Protsak, I., Stockhausen, M., Brewer, A., Owton, M., Hofmann, T., & Kleitz, F. (2024). Advancing Selective Extraction: A Novel Approach for Scandium, Thorium, and Uranium Ion Capture. Small Science, 4(10), Article 2400171.
Henkel, C., Hüffer, T., Peng, R., Gao, X., Ghoshal, S., & Hofmann, T. (2024). Photoaging enhances the leaching of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate and transformation products from polyvinyl chloride microplastics into aquatic environments. Communications Chemistry, 7(1), Article 218.
Palatinszky, M., Herbold, C. W., Sedlacek, C. J., Pühringer, D., Kitzinger, K., Giguere, A. T., Wasmund, K., Nielsen, P. H., Dueholm, M. K. D., Jehmlich, N., Gruseck, R., Legin, A., Kostan, J., Krasnici, N., Schreiner, C., Palmetzhofer, J., Hofmann, T., Zumstein, M., Djinović-Carugo, K., ... Wagner, M. (2024). Growth of complete ammonia oxidizers on guanidine. Nature, 633(8030), 646-653.
Rodler-Rørbo, A., Brøns, C., Tepe, N., Van Ham-Meert, A., Artioli, G., Frei, R., Hofmann, T., & Koeberl, C. (2024). Analytical methodological adaptations for sampling ancient pigments in provenance research. Journal of Cultural Heritage, 69, 126-134.
Sherman, A., Hämmerle, L. E., Ben Mordechay, E., Chefetz, B., Hüffer, T., & Hofmann, T. (2024). Uptake of tire-derived compounds in leafy vegetables and implications for human dietary exposure. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12, Article 1384506.
Chaudhuri, S., Sigmund, G., Kumar, N., Hüffer, T., Mautner, A., & Hofmann, T. (2024). The efficacy of Pb, As(V) and Sb(III ) removal by biochar is determined by solution chemistry. Environmental Science: Water research & technology, 10(4), 912-921.
Bubl, M., Heinz, P., Wanek, W., Schagerl, M., Hofmann, T., & Lintner, M. (2024). Impact of heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) on carbon and nitrogen uptake of the diatom-bearing benthic foraminifera Heterostegina depressa. Heliyon, 10(6), Article e27229.
Pfohl, P., Rueckel, M., Meyer, L., Battagliarin, G., Künkel, A., Hüffer, T., Zumstein, M., Hofmann, T., & Wohlleben, W. (2024). Influence of plastic shape on interim fragmentation of compostable materials during composting. Microplastics and Nanoplastics, 4, Article 7. Advance online publication.
Jachimowicz, P., Peng, R., Hüffer, T., Hofmann, T., & Cydzik-Kwiatkowska, A. (2024). Tire materials disturb transformations of nitrogen compounds and affect the structure of biomass in aerobic granular sludge reactors. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 465, Article 133223.
Walch, H., Basic, N., Praetorius, A., von der Kammer, F., & Hofmann, T. (2024). A versatile test system to determine nanomaterial heteroagglomeration attachment efficiency. Environmental Science: Nano, 11(2), 588-600.
Fian, L., Schmidlechner, L., Felt, U., Hofmann, T., White, M., & Pahl, S. (2024). Microplastics in food and drink: perceptions of the risks, challenges, and solutions among individuals in the ‘farm-to-fork’ food chain. Journal of Risk Research, 27(8), 986-1009.
Hofmann, T., Ghoshal, S., Tufenkji, N., Adamowski, J. F., Bayen, S., Chen, Q., Demokritou, P., Flury, M., Hüffer, T., Ivleva, N. P., Ji, R., Leask, R. L., Maric, M., Mitrano, D. M., Sander, M., Pahl, S., Rillig, M. C., Walker, T. R., White, J. C., & Wilkinson, K. J. (2023). Plastics can be used more sustainably in agriculture. Communications Earth and Environment, 4(1), Article 332.
Lotteraner, L., Hofmann, T., & Moller, T. (2023). The Challenge of Interdisciplinarity at the Intersection of Groundwater Management and Visualization Research. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 43(6), 50-63.
Henkel, C., Lamprecht, J., Hüffer, T., & Hofmann, T. (2023). Environmental factors strongly influence the leaching of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate from polyvinyl chloride microplastics. Water Research, 242, Article 120235.
Wohlleben, W., Rückel, M., Meyer, L., Pfohl, P., Battagliarin, G., Hüffer, T., Zumstein, M., & Hofmann, T. (2023). Fragmentation and Mineralization of a Compostable Aromatic–Aliphatic Polyester during Industrial Composting. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 10(8), 698 - 704.