Publications by Patrick Sakdapolrak

Featured Readings and List of Publications

 Anthropocene Reads

Book Cover 'Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis' (2021)

Book Cover 'Humangeographie' (2021)

Groth et al-2020-Article Environment-related Migration (preview)

All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Patrick Sakdapolrak


Fünfgeld, H., Sterly, H., Sakdapolrak, P., Bunchuay-Peth, S. A., Naruchaikusol, S., Ober, K., Porst, L., Rockenbauch, T., Akarawongwiriya, T., Chanthavorn, S., Ketsomboon, B., Khruajinli, D., Promrit, S., Sangya-Arun, R., & Sekararith, T. (2018). Migration for Adaptation. A Guidebook for Integrating Migration and Translocality into Community-Based Adaptation.



Sakdapolrak, P., & Annika, M. (2016). Gesellschaft und Umwelt. In Humangeographie kompakt (pp. 13-37)


Sakdapolrak, P., Greiner, C., & Bunchuay-Peth, S. A. (2015). Deciphering migration in the age of climate change: Towards an understanding of translocal relations in social-ecological systems. TransRe (Translocal Resilience Project), Department of Geography, University of Bonn. Working Paper Series by the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna No. 2

Sakdapolrak, P., Ergler, R. C., Bohle, H.-G., & Kearns, R. (2015). From Effective Cure to Affective Care: Access Barriers and Entitlements to Health Care Among Urban Poor in Chennai, India. In Geographies of Development and Health (pp. 93-114). Ashgate.

Sakdapolrak, P., & Greiner, C. (2015). Migration, Environment and Inequality: Perspectives of a Political Ecology of Translocal Relations. In R. McLeman, J. Schade, & T. Faist (Eds.), Environmental Migration and Social Inequality (pp. 151-163). Springer.

Wrathall, D. J., Oliver-Smith, A., Fekete, A., Gencer, E., Reyes, M. L., & Sakdapolrak, P. (2015). Problematising loss and damage. International Journal of Global Warming, 8(2), 274-294.


Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 85