Publications by Michael Wagreich

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All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wagreich


Wolfgring, E., & Wagreich, M. (2013). High resolution assessment of Late Campanian (Radotruncana calcarata zone) foraminifera communities. Paper presented at 9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System, Ankara, Turkey.

Wagreich, M. (2013). Nannofossil biostratigraphy in the Campanian - a Tethyan perspective. Paper presented at INA Conference International Nannofossil Association, Reston, United States.

Wagreich, M. (2013). Stratigraphie und Lithofazies der Branderfleck-Formation und der Gosau-Gruppe (Oberkreide) von Lilienfeld (ÖK56 St. Pölten). In H. Gebhhardt (Ed.), Arbeitstagung GBA '13 (pp. 20-37). Geologische Bundesanstalt.

Wagreich, M. (2013). The calcareous nannofossil Lithraphidites quadratus - a marker for the base of the Upper Maastrichtian. Paper presented at 9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System, Ankara, Turkey.

Wagreich, M., Neuhuber, S., Wolfgring, E., & Hohenegger, J. (2013). The pelagic record of sea-level changes the Tethyan Upper Campanian in Austria. Paper presented at 9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System, Ankara, Turkey.

Yilmaz, I. Ö., Cook, T. D., Wagreich, M., Hosgör, I., & Murray, A. M. (2013). The records of shark teeth on the drowned Arabian Carbonate Platform Late Coniacian-Late Santonian Mardin-Mazıdag area SE Turkey. Paper presented at 9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System, Ankara, Turkey.


Lein, R., Popp, F., & Wagreich, M. (2012). Geologische Sammlung. In C. Feigl (Ed.), Schaukästen der Wissenschaft: Die Sammlungen an derUniversität Wien (pp. 85-87). Böhlau Verlag.


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