Publications by Michael Wagreich
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Anthropocene Reads
All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wagreich
Draganits, E., Wagreich, M., Hofer, G., Hofmann, C., Reischenbacher, D., Grundtner, M-L., Neuhuber, S., & Bottig, M. (2013). Zur Geologie der kohleführenden Grünbach-Formation und der Gosaumulde von Grünbach (NÖ). Res Montanarum: Zeitschrift des Montanhistorischen Vereins für Österreich, 52, 86-92.
Hu, X. M., Wagreich, M., & Yilmaz, I. Ö. (2012). Marine rapid environmental/climatic change in the Cretaceous greenhouse world. Cretaceous Research, 38, 1-6.
Salcher, B., Meurers, B., Smit, J., Decker, K., Hölzel, M., & Wagreich, M. (2012). Strike-slip tectonics and Quaternary basin formation along the Vienna Basin fault system inferred from Bouguer gravity derivatives. Tectonics, 31(3), [TC3004].
Pavlishina, P., & Wagreich, M. (2012). Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments in a northwestern Tethyan Cenomanian-Turonian boundary section (Austria) based on palynology and calcareous nannofossils. Cretaceous Research, 38, 103-112.
Wagreich, M., Egger, H., & Piller, W. E. (2012). Climate and biota of the early Paleogene. Proceedings of CBEP 2011 Salzburg, Austria. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 105(1), 4-5.
Wagreich, M. (Interviewee). (2012). Dimensionen – die Welt der Wissenschaft, Thema: Der Mensch verlässt das Holozän. Willkommen in einem neuen Zeitalter!. Radio show
Lein, R., Popp, F., & Wagreich, M. (2012). Geologische Sammlung. In C. Feigl (Ed.), Schaukästen der Wissenschaft: Die Sammlungen an derUniversität Wien (pp. 85-87). Böhlau Verlag.
Wagreich, M., Hohenegger, J., & Neuhuber, S. (2012). Nannofossil biostratigraphy, strontium and carbon isotope stratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy and an astronomically calibrated duration of the Late Campanian Radotruncana calcarata Zone. Cretaceous Research, 38, 80-96.
Wagreich, M. (2012). “OAE 3” – regional Atlantic organic carbon burial during the
Coniacian–Santonian. Climate of the Past, 8(5), 1447-1455.
Wagreich, M., Egger, H., Gebhardt, H., Mohamed, O., Spötl, C., Koukal, V., & Hobiger, G. (2011). A new expanded record of the Paleocene-Eocene transition in the Gosau Group of Gams (Eastern Alps, Austria). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien: Serie A, 113, 35-65.
Wagreich, M., Bottig, M., Draganits, E., Grundtner, M-L., Hofer, G., Neuhuber, S., & Strauss, P. (2011). Analysis of the Gosau group (upper cretaceous-paleogene) from the Vienna basin basement and outcrop analogues in Austria. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - 73rd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2011 - Incorporating SPE EUROPEC, 23. - 26. Mai 2011, Wien (pp. 4909-4913). Unknown publisher.
Hohenegger, J., Coric, S., & Wagreich, M. (Eds.) (2011). Beginning and division of the Badenian Stage (Middle Miocene, Paratethys). Unknown publisher.
Hohenegger, J., Coric, S., & Wagreich, M. (Eds.) (2011). Beginning and division of the Badenian stage (Middle Miocene, Paratethys).IN: Pipik, R.K., Starek, D. and S. Stanova (eds.). Unknown Journal.
Wagreich, M., Ilickovic, T., Popovic, A., Porpaczy, C., Steinbrener, J., & Wessely, G. (2011). Biostratigraphy and sedimentology of Campanian deep-water sections (Nierental Formation, Gosau Group) in Lower Austria. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 104(2), 108-121.
Wagreich, M. (2011). Facies analysis and basin architecture of the Thakkhola-Mustang Graben (Neogene-Quaternary), central Nepal Himalaya. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 104(1), 66-80.
Wagreich, M., Pfersmann, C., & Arzmüller, G. (2011). Flysch and Klipperizone rocks from the Lainz tunnel as analogues of drilled strata below the neogene rocks of the Vienna. In 73rd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2011, Incorporating SPE EUROSPEC 2011, Vienna, 23. - 26. May 2011 (Vol. Bd. 7., pp. 4904-4908). Unknown publisher.
Hofer, G., & Wagreich, M. (2011). Geochemical correlation of limnic-marine upper cretaceous successions underneath the Vienna basin (Gosau group, Austria). In Society of Petroleum Engineers - 73rd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2011 - Incorporating SPE EUROPEC, 23. - 26. Mai 2011, Wien (pp. 5571-5573). Unknown publisher.
Hofer, G., Draganits, E., Wagreich, M., Hofmann, C., Reischenbacher, D., Neuhuber, S., & Bottig, M. (2011). Stratigraphy and geochemical characterisation of Upper Cretaceous non-marine – marine cycles (Grünbach Formation, Gosau Group, Austria). Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 104(2), 90-107.
Hohenegger, J., & Wagreich, M. (2011). Time calibration of sedimentary sections based on insolation cycles using combined cross-correlation: dating the gone Badenian stratotype (Middle Miocene, Paratethys, Vienna Basin, Austria) as an example. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 101(1), 339-349.
Wagreich, M., Bottig, M., Draganits, E., Hofer, G., & Neuhuber, S. (2010). Analysis and correlation of Gosau-type sediments from the Vienna Basin basement and its surroundings in Austria and Slovakia [Gosau Inventory]: End-Report, OMV F&E Project FA536004. Unknown publisher.
Showing entries 201 - 220 out of 237