Publications by Michael Wagreich
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Anthropocene Reads
All Publications by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Wagreich
Reitner, J., Seidl, S., & Wagreich, M. (2013). Morphology, sedimentology and stratigraphic implication of debris-covered glacier deposits from the LGM and Lateglacial (Eastern Alps, Austria). Paper presented at EGU General Assembly 2013, Wien, Austria.
Wagreich, M. (2013). Nannofossil biostratigraphy in the Campanian - a Tethyan perspective. Paper presented at INA Conference International Nannofossil Association, Reston, United States.
Stern, G., & Wagreich, M. (2013). Provenance of the Upper Cretaceous to Eocene Gosau Group around and beneath the Vienna Basin (Austria and Slovakia). Swiss Journal of Geosciences, 449-468.
Wagreich, M. (2013). Steine unter unseren Füßen - die geologischen Landschaften Österreichs. Schriften des Vereins zur Verbreitung naturwissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse, 151-152, 61-68.
Wagreich, M. (2013). Stratigraphie und Lithofazies der Branderfleck-Formation und der Gosau-Gruppe (Oberkreide) von Lilienfeld (ÖK56 St. Pölten). In H. Gebhhardt (Ed.), Arbeitstagung GBA '13 (pp. 20-37). Geologische Bundesanstalt.
Wagreich, M. (2013). The calcareous nannofossil Lithraphidites quadratus - a marker for the base of the Upper Maastrichtian. Paper presented at 9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System, Ankara, Turkey.
Wagreich, M., Neuhuber, S., Wolfgring, E., & Hohenegger, J. (2013). The pelagic record of sea-level changes the Tethyan Upper Campanian in Austria. Paper presented at 9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System, Ankara, Turkey.
Yilmaz, I. Ö., Cook, T. D., Wagreich, M., Hosgör, I., & Murray, A. M. (2013). The records of shark teeth on the drowned Arabian Carbonate Platform Late Coniacian-Late Santonian Mardin-Mazıdag area SE Turkey. Paper presented at 9th International Symposium on the Cretaceous System, Ankara, Turkey.
Wagreich, M., Pfersmann, C., Aubrecht, R., & Plasienka, D. (2013). The St. Veit Klippenzone in Vienna - missing piece in the Alpine-Carpathian klippen puzzle. Berichte der Geologischen Bundesanstalt, 99, 101-102.
Draganits, E., Wagreich, M., Hofer, G., Hofmann, C., Reischenbacher, D., Grundtner, M.-L., Neuhuber, S., & Bottig, M. (2013). Zur Geologie der kohleführenden Grünbach-Formation und der Gosaumulde von Grünbach (NÖ). Res Montanarum: Zeitschrift des Montanhistorischen Vereins für Österreich, 52, 86-92.
Hu, X. M., Wagreich, M., & Yilmaz, I. Ö. (2012). Marine rapid environmental/climatic change in the Cretaceous greenhouse world. Cretaceous Research, 38, 1-6.
Salcher, B., Meurers, B., Smit, J., Decker, K., Hölzel, M., & Wagreich, M. (2012). Strike-slip tectonics and Quaternary basin formation along the Vienna Basin fault system inferred from Bouguer gravity derivatives. Tectonics, 31(3), Article TC3004.
Pavlishina, P., & Wagreich, M. (2012). Biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments in a northwestern Tethyan Cenomanian-Turonian boundary section (Austria) based on palynology and calcareous nannofossils. Cretaceous Research, 38, 103-112.
Wagreich, M., Egger, H., & Piller, W. E. (2012). Climate and biota of the early Paleogene. Proceedings of CBEP 2011 Salzburg, Austria. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, 105(1), 4-5.
Wagreich, M. (2012). Dimensionen – die Welt der Wissenschaft, Thema: Der Mensch verlässt das Holozän. Willkommen in einem neuen Zeitalter!. Radio show
Lein, R., Popp, F., & Wagreich, M. (2012). Geologische Sammlung. In C. Feigl (Ed.), Schaukästen der Wissenschaft: Die Sammlungen an derUniversität Wien (pp. 85-87). Böhlau.
Wagreich, M., Hohenegger, J., & Neuhuber, S. (2012). Nannofossil biostratigraphy, strontium and carbon isotope stratigraphy, cyclostratigraphy and an astronomically calibrated duration of the Late Campanian Radotruncana calcarata Zone. Cretaceous Research, 38, 80-96.
Wagreich, M. (2012). “OAE 3” – regional Atlantic organic carbon burial during the
Coniacian–Santonian. Climate of the Past, 8(5), 1447-1455.
Wagreich, M., Egger, H., Gebhardt, H., Mohamed, O., Spötl, C., Koukal, V., & Hobiger, G. (2011). A new expanded record of the Paleocene-Eocene transition in the Gosau Group of Gams (Eastern Alps, Austria). Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien: Serie A, 113, 35-65.
Wagreich, M., Bottig, M., Draganits, E., Grundtner, M.-L., Hofer, G., Neuhuber, S., & Strauss, P. (2011). Analysis of the Gosau group (upper cretaceous-paleogene) from the Vienna basin basement and outcrop analogues in Austria. In Society of Petroleum Engineers - 73rd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2011 - Incorporating SPE EUROPEC, 23. - 26. Mai 2011, Wien (pp. 4909-4913). Unknown publisher.
Showing entries 201 - 220 out of 246