Publications by Erich Draganits
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Anthropocene Reads
All Publications by PD Dr. Erich Draganits
Tobias, B., Koch Waldner, T., Draganits, E., Wiltschke-Schrotta, K., Saliari, K., & Skomorowski, R. (2018). KG Podersdorf am See, MG Podersdorf am See. In B. Hebert (Ed.), Fundchronik 2016 (pp. 64-65). Ferdinand Berger & Söhne.
Kremer, G., Kitz, I., Moshammer, B., Heinrich, M., & Draganits, E. (2018). Stone monuments from Carnuntum and surrounding areas (Austria) – Petrological characterization and quarry location in a historical context. In D. Matetić Poljak, & K. Marasović (Eds.), ASMOSIA XI: Interdisciplinary Studies on Ancient Stone. Proceedings of the XI International Conference of ASMOSIA, Split, 18–22 May 2015 (pp. 557-565). University of Split.
Schneidhofer, P., Nau, E., McGraw, J. L., Tonning, C., Draganits, E., Gustavsen, L., Trinks, I., Filzwieser, R., Aldrian, L., Gansum, T., Bill, J., Neubauer, W., & Paasche, K. (2017). Geoarchaeological evaluation of ground penetrating radar and magnetometry surveys at the Iron Age burial mound Rom in Norway. Archaeological Prospection, 24(4), 425-443.
Grammer, B., Draganits, E., Gretscher, M., & Muss, U. (2017). LiDAR-guided Archaeological Survey of a Mediterranean Landscape: Lessons from the Ancient Greek Polis of Kolophon (Ionia, Western Anatolia). Archaeological Prospection, 24(4), 311-333.
Schneidhofer, P., Nau, E., Hinterleitner, A., Lugmayr, A., Bill, J., Gansum, T., Paasche, K., Seren, S. S., Neubauer, W., Draganits, E., & Trinks, I. (2017). Palaeoenvironmental analysis of large-scale, high-resolution GPR and magnetometry data sets: the Viking Age site of Gokstad in Norway. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 9(6), 1187–1213.
Dellinger, A., Draganits, E., & Gereben-Krenn, B.-A. (2017). Naturvermittlung im Kaunertal. Web publication, uni:view - Das Online-Magazin der Universität Wien.
Zámolyi, A., Salcher, B., Draganits, E., Exner, U., Wagreich, M., Gier, S., Fiebig, M., Lomax, J., Surányi, G., Diel, M., & Zámolyi, F. (2017). Latest Pannonian and Quaternary evolution at the transition between Eastern Alps and Pannonian Basin: new insights from geophysical, sedimentological and geochronological data. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 106(5), 1695-1721.
Wagreich, M., & Draganits, E. (2017). Mining-related geochemical anomalies from 3500 to 2000 BP as potential stratigraphic markers for the base of the Anthropocene. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19.
Stöger, T., Plan, L., & Draganits, E. (2017). Small scale karst features (tube karren) as evidence of a latest Quaternary fossil landslide. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19.
Saliari, K., Tobias, B., Draganits, E., Skomorowski, R., Koch Waldner, T., & Wiltschke-Schrotta, K. (2017). Archäologie im Grenzbereich: Interdisziplinäre Untersuchungen des awarenzeitlichen Gräberfeldes von Podersdorf am See. Universum Magazin, 2017(12), 110-111.
Schneidhofer, P., Tonning, C., Nau, E., Trinks, I., Neubauer, W., Draganits, E., Gansum, T., & Paasche, K. (2017). Are we there yet? Environmental settings and geophysical prospection. Paper presented at 23rd Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Tobias, B., Draganits, E., Wiltschke-Schrotta, K., Saliari, K., & Skomorowski, R. (2017). Awarische Reiterkrieger und eine Siedlung aus der Gründungszeit bei Podersdorf am See: Ausgrabungen eines frühmittelalterlichen Gräberfeldes und einer hochmittelalterlichen Siedlung bei Podersdorf am See. In G. Gesellmann (Ed.), Festschrift 800 Jahre Podersdorf am See: 1217-2017 (pp. 107-111). Rötzer-Druck.
Draganits, E., & Tobias, B. (2017). Geologie: Podersdorf am See. In G. Gesellmann (Ed.), Festschrift 800 Jahre Podersdorf am See: 1217-2017 (pp. 112-116). Rötzer-Druck.
Tobias, B., Draganits, E., Wiltschke-Schrotta, K., & Saliari, K. (2017). KG Podersdorf am See, MG Podersdorf am See. In N. Hofer (Ed.), 2015 (Vol. 54, pp. 49-50). Ferdinand Berger & Söhne.
Kourayos, Y., Alexandridou, A., Papajanni, K., & Draganits, E. (2017). Ritual dining at the sanctuary of Apollo on Despotiko: The evidence from Building Δ. In A. Mazarakis Ainian (Ed.), Les sanctuaires archaïques des Cyclades (pp. 345-366). Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
Sevara, C., Doneus, M., Draganits, E., Cusumano, R., Frazzetta, C., Palermo, B., Pisciotta, F., Stallone, R., Totschnig, R., Tusa, S., & Valenti, A. (2017). Testing boundaries: integrated prospection from site to lanscape in western Sicily. In B. Jennings, C. Gaffney, T. Sparrow, & S. Gaffney (Eds.), AP2017: 12th International Conference of Archaeological Prospection (pp. 230-232). Archaeopress.
Bhargava, O. N., & Draganits, E. (2016). India: Devonian (Himalaya). In T. J. Suttner, E. Kido, P. Königshof, J. A. Waters, L. Davis, & F. Messner (Eds.), Planet Earth in deep time: Palaeozoic Series – Devonian & Carboniferous (pp. 120-121). E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.
Karnitschar, C., Reitner, J., & Draganits, E. (2016). Latest Pleistocene oscillations of the Drau Glacier (southern Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 18.
Maldonado, M. G., Blasi, A. M., & Draganits, E. (2016). Patrones de ocupación regional, geoambiente y procesos de formación en el tercio central de la sierra de Quilmes (valle de Yocavil-Noroeste Argentino) durante la etapa agroalfarera prehispánica (100-1536 DC). Serie Monográfica y Didáctica, 54, 1169-1176.
Maldonado, M. G., Sampietro, M. M., Blasi, A. M., Roldán, J., Draganits, E., & Cordomí, J. (2016). Patrones prehispánicos de ocupación regional (ca. 100-1535 AD) en la vertiente oriental de la sierra de Quilmes (Noroeste Argentino). In M. M. Sampietro Vattuone, & J.-L. Peña Monné (Eds.), Geoarqueología de los Valles Calchaquies: Ocupaciones humanas y reconstrucciones paleoambientales del Holoceno (pp. 89-120). Laboratorio de Geoarqueología, Università Nazionale di Tucumán.
Showing entries 41 - 60 out of 91