Publications by Ronald Pöppl

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 Anthropocene Reads

Poeppl et al-2020-Article Sediment (Dis)Connectivity (preview)

Book cover ExtremA 2019

All Publications by Dr. Ronald Pöppl, BA


Koyanagi, K., Nordio, G., Andreoli, A., Tomelleri, E., Pöppl, R., & Comit, F. (2024). Legacy effects of post-storm silvicultural treatments on plot-scale soil erosion in a subalpine headwater catchment of the Italian Alps. EGU General Assembly 2024, Wien, Austria.


Fagundes, M., Fan, F. M., Michel, G., Pöppl, R., Abatti, B., & Kobiyama, M. (2023). Analysis of the influence of landscape evolution on the hazard index variation in a mountainous river in southern Brazil. 73. IAG Regional Conference of Geomorphology, Nevsehir, Turkey.

Pöppl, R., Renschler, C., Abatti, B., Asimus, N., Kraushaar, S., Strauss, P., & Fuchs, M. (2023). Assessing soil erosion in a small agricultural catchment (HOAL, Lower Austria) using OSL-dating, modelling, 137Cs and field measurements: a comparison. IAG Regional Conference of Geomorphology, Nevsehir, Turkey.

Abatti, B., Michel, G. P., Pöppl, R., Zanandrea, F., & Fagundes, M. (2023). Evaluation of sediment (dis-)connectivity due structural changes in a low-order stream. EGU, General Assembly 2023, Wien, Austria.

Fagundes, M., Fan, F. M., Michel, G. P., Campagnolo, K., Kobiyama, M., Pöppl, R., & Abatti, B. (2023). Hazard index applied to natural rivers - Preliminary results from a case study of mountain trails in southern Brazil. EGU, General Assembly 2023, Wien, Austria.

Perez, J. E., Pöppl, R., Turnbull-Lloyd, L., Tiwari, S., & Wainwright, J. (2023). How do Natural Water Retention Measures modify connectivity on agricultural hillslopes?. EGU, General Assembly 2023, Wien, Austria.

Abatti, B., Michel, G. P., & Pöppl, R. (2023). Investigation of woody debris role in sediment connectivity in a low-order stream. IAG Regional Conference of Geomorphology, Nevsehir, Turkey.

Pöppl, R. (2023). Naturgefahren: Umwelt, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft. Stiftung Wirtschaftsbildung.

Showing entries 1 - 20 out of 107