Publications by Marta Luciani

List of Publications

All Publications by Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Marta Luciani


Luciani, M. (2014). Chapter 34. The Northern Levant (Syria) during the Late Bronze Age Syria. Small Kingdoms between the Supraregional Empires of the International Age: The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant (ca. 8000 – 332 BCE), Oxford, 503-517. . In A. E. Killebrew, & M. L. Steiner (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant (ca. 8000 – 332 BCE) (pp. 503-517). Oxford University Press.



van Ess, M., & Luciani, M. (2012). Survey im Nordwesten der Provinz Sulaimaniyah (Nordirak). In DAI Orient-Abteilung, Aktuelle Forschungen 2012 (pp. 70-71)

van Ess, M., & Luciani, M. (2012). Survey in the Northwestern Province of Sulaimaniyah (Northern Iraq). In DAI Orient-Abteilung, Aktuelle Forschungen 2012 (pp. 70-71).

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