Publications by Marta Luciani
List of Publications
All Publications by Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Marta Luciani
Luciani, M. (2014, Feb). Report on the excavations in Square Q3 at Tayma (campaign 2014-1), Saudi Arabia presented to the Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities, Riyadh.
Luciani, M. (2014). Chapter 34. The Northern Levant (Syria) during the Late Bronze Age Syria. Small Kingdoms between the Supraregional Empires of the International Age: The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant (ca. 8000 – 332 BCE), Oxford, 503-517. . In A. E. Killebrew, & M. L. Steiner (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Levant (ca. 8000 – 332 BCE) (pp. 503-517). Oxford University Press.
Luciani, M., & van Ess, M. (2014). Chemchemal, Irak. Arbeiten der Jahren 2012 und 2013. e -Forschungsberichte des DAI, 2013(3), 32-37.
Luciani, M. (2014). Qurayyah in Northwestern Arabia. Archaeological Research between Levant and Hejaz, Poster presented at the 9. International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East, June 9-13, 2014, University of Basel, Switzerland. Abstracts of the ICAANE, 153.
Luciani, M. (2014). Report on the International Congress: The Archaeology of North Arabia: Oases and Landscapes. Bulletin of the British Foundation for the Study of Arabia, 19, 54-55.
Luciani, M. (2013). Introductory remarks to The Archaeology of North Arabia: Oases and Landscapes. In Abstracts of the International Congress: The Archaeology of North Arabia: Oases and Landscapes (pp. 6)
Luciani, M. (2013, Nov 15). Report on the 2013 investigation at the Harvard Semitic Museum records and materials on child burials in ancient Nuzi, Report presented to the Curator of the Harvard Semitic Museum, Cambridge, Mass., USA.
Luciani, M., & van Ess, M. (2013, Oct 24). Report on the second campaign (2013) of the German-Austrian Team on the site of Chemchemal (Spy Hasar).
Luciani, M. (2013, Jul). Arbeitsbericht 2011-13 Area Q, Anlage C4_08 in R. Eichmann, DFG-Tayma Antrag 2014-2016.
Luciani, M. (2013). Review of: Wicke, Dirk: Die Kleinfunde aus Elfenbein und Knochen aus Assur. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010 (Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft 131). Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 103, 426-430.
Luciani, M. (2013). Drittes Frauentrainingsprogramm in archäologischer Restaurierung, Museologie und Bodendenkmalpflege am Nationalmuseum Riad, in Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Jahresbericht 2012. Unpublished.
van Ess, M., & Luciani, M. (2013). Survey bei Sulaymaniyah (Irak - Föderale Region Kurdistan), in Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Jahresbericht 2011. Archäologischer Anzeiger, 2012(1), 294-295.
Luciani, M., & Eichmann, R. (2013). Zweites Frauentrainingsprogramm in archäologischer Restaurierung, Museologie und Bodendenkmalpflege am Nationalmuseum Riad, in Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Jahresbericht 2011. Archäologischer Anzeiger, 2012(1), 291-292.
van Ess, M., & Luciani, M. (2012, Oct 25). Excavations in Chemchemal. Report on the archaeological investigations and preliminary results, Report presented to the Sulaimaniyah Antiquities Directorate, Sulaimaniyah.
Luciani, M. (2012, Apr 3). Report on the excavations in Square Q3 at Tayma (campaign 2012-1), Saudi Arabia presented to the Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities, Riyadh.
Luciani, M., & van Ess, M. (2012, Mar 7). Final report on the survey in the districts of Argilar/Aqjalar, Bazian, Surdash and Serchenar carried out in autumn 2011 with amendaments of 2012, Report presented to the Sulaimaniyah Antiquities Directorate, Sulaimaniyah, (with contributions and maps by Holger Ehrig).
Luciani, M., & van Ess, M. (2012, Mar 7). Report on the SUL Survey 2012-1 activities in the district of Chemchemal Merkez, carried out in February / March 2012, Report presented to the Sulaimaniyah Antiquities Directorate, Sulaimaniyah.
Luciani, M., & Eichmann, R. (2012). Fortbildung in archäologischer Konservierung für Frauen aus Saudi-Arabien am Nationalmuseum von Riad. Archäologischer Anzeiger, 2011(1Beiheft), 272.
van Ess, M., & Luciani, M. (2012). Survey im Nordwesten der Provinz Sulaimaniyah (Nordirak). In DAI Orient-Abteilung, Aktuelle Forschungen 2012 (pp. 70-71)
van Ess, M., & Luciani, M. (2012). Survey in the Northwestern Province of Sulaimaniyah (Northern Iraq). In DAI Orient-Abteilung, Aktuelle Forschungen 2012 (pp. 70-71).
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