VAN Publications
Selected publications by our members, organised by subject area
Climate, Environment and Governance
- Durand-Delacre, D., Bettini, G., Nash, S. L., Sterly, H., Gioli, G., Hut, E., Boas, I., Farbotko, C., Sakdapolrak, P., de Bruijn, M., Furlong, B. T., van der Geest, K., Lietaer, S., & Hulme, M. (2021). Climate Migration is About People, not Numbers. In: S. Böhm and S. Sullivan, eds. Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis. Open Book Publishers, 63-81.
- Glade, T., Mergili, M. and Sattler, K. eds. (2020). ExtremA 2019: Aktueller Wissensstand zu Extremereignissen alpiner Naturgefahren in Österreich. Wien: Vienna University Press.
- Vadrot, A. B. M., Langlet, A. and Tessnow-von Wysocki, I. (2021). Who owns marine biodiversity? Contesting the world order through the ‘common heritage of humankind’ principle. Environmental Politics 31(2): 226-250.
Geosciences and the Anthropocene
- Waters, C. N., Williams, M., Zalasiewicz, J., et al. (2022). Epochs, events and episodes: Marking the geological impact of humans. Earth-Science Reviews 234 (Nov 2022).
- Wagreich, M., Williams, M., Dragantis, E., et al. (2019). Pre–Industrial Revolution Start Dates for the Anthropocene. In: J. A. Zalasiewicz, C. N. Waters, M. Williams and C. Summerhayes, eds. The Anthropocene as a geological time unit: A guide to the scientific evidence and current debate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 246-250.
- Zalasiewicz, J. A., Waters, C. N., Ellis, E. C., et al. (2021). The Anthropocene: comparing its meaning in geology (chronostratigraphy) with conceptual approaches arising in other disciplines. Earth’s Future 9 (3).
Humanities and the Anthropocene
- Echterhölter, A. (forthcoming 2023). History. In: N. Wallenhorst and C. Wul, eds. Handbook of the Anthropocene: Humans between Heritage and Future. Heidelberg: Springer.
- Horn, E. (2020). Challenges for an Aesthetics of the Anthropocene. In: G. Dürbeck and P. Hüpkes, eds. The Anthropocenic Turn: The Interplay between Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Responses to a New Age. London/New York: Routledge, 159-172.
- Horn, E. and Bergthaller, H. (2019). The Anthropocene. Key Issues for the Humanities. London/New York: Routledge.
Society, Politics and Education
- Brand, U. and Wissen, M. (2021). The Imperial Mode of Living. Everyday Life and the Ecological Crisis of Capitalism. London: Verso.
- Horn, E. (2021). Tipping Points: Covid-19 and the Anthropocene. In: G. Delanty, ed. Pandemic, Politics, and Society: Critical Reflections on Covid-19. Berlin: DeGruyter.
- Sippl, C., Rauscher, E. and Scheuch, M. eds. (2020). Das Anthropozän lernen und lehren. Innsbruck, Wien: Studienverlag.
Sustainability, Science and Technology
- Felt, U. and Davies, S. R. eds. (2020). Exploring Science Communication: A Science and Technology Studies Approach. London: SAGE.
- Hofmann, T., Lowry, G. V., Ghoshal, S. et al. (2020). Technology readiness and overcoming barriers to sustainably implement nanotechnology-enabled plant agriculture. Nature Food 1, 416–425.
- Larsen, J. N., Schweitzer, P., Abass, K., Doloisio, S., Gartler, N., Ingeman-Nielsen, T., Ingimundarson, J. H., Jungsberg, L., Meyer, A., Rautio, A., Scheer, J., Timlin, U., Vanderlinden, J.-P., Vullierme, M. (2021). Thawing Permafrost in Arctic Coastal Communities: A Framework for Studying Risks from Climate Change. Sustainability 13(5): 2651.