News & Events

Stay up to date about our research activities and events


15-16 June 2023 - International workshop, organised by Anna Echterhölter and Marco Vianna Franco

In cooperation with IHS Vienna


Podcast with Alice Vadrot (Political Sciences) and Nils Güttler (History of Science) - "Das Klima zwischen Politik und Wissenschaft" (in German)


30 May 2023, 7 pm CEST - Podiumsdiskussion: Woraus setzt sich eine gesunde Ernährung zusammen? Wie können wir Ressourcen effizienter nutzen?


Climate physicist Blaž Gasparini explains recent attempts to counteract global warming by giving the planet "sun protection" (Rudolphina)


A team of researchers around Alexa Färber initiated a collaborative experiment to pre-enact the reality of a "climate audit court" (article in German)


Plastics are indispensable in modern agriculture, their intensive use causing severe environmental damage. But what can be done? (article in German)

Featured Videos

 "Sympoiesis as Natural Technicity: The Allegory of the Lichen"

Keynote by Bruce Clarke (Texas Tech University)

25 January 2024 - Presented at our workshop "Making Kin"

Hosted by the Vienna Anthropocene Network (FWF-Projekt „Landschaft, Leben, Form. Die Poetik des Anthropozäns“)

 "Making Kin with Microbes? The Microbiome in the Posthuman Novel (Elisabeth Klar's 'Es gibt uns')"

Talk by Nicole Sütterlin (Harvard University)

25 January 2024 - Presented at our workshop "Making Kin"

Hosted by the Vienna Anthropocene Network

 Records of Loss

Videofilm by Axel Braun

Created on behalf of the Vienna Anthropocene Network and shown at the panel discussion "Vanishing Ice" in January 2020.

The film traces the history of Austria's largest glacier, Pasterze, contraposing past and present images to record the loss of glacial landscapes over time.