Event Archive

Past workshops, talks and conferences (co-)hosted by VAN


20 January 2023, 10 am CET

Workshop (in-person, free attendance)

Speakers: Jörg Dünne (Humboldt Universität) & Olga Smith (University of Vienna)


21 Oct 2022, 4:30 pm CEST - Gespräch zum Anthropozän-Kinderbuch "WErde wieder wunderbar" mit Autorin Melanie Laibl und Kulturpädagogin Carmen Sippl


16-17 September 2022

In-person event (free attendance)

Location: Department of Art History (Uni Campus, SR 1)


8-10 Sept 2022: Third NEHT Workshop 2022 with a keynote by John McNeill (Georgetown University) - 'Building the Anthropocene'


27 May 2022, 3:00-6:30 pm CEST

Zoom Workshop (in German)

Hosts: Eva Horn & Stephanie Langer (Vienna Anthropocene Network)


A series of three workshops on ecocritical methods in art history which will take place over 2021-2022, organised by Olga Smith & Andrew Patrizio...